Notification: 1) IGNITE 8.0 - Final Pitch Day on 22 March 2025 click here - 2) How Academic Institutions can Collaborate with AIC-SKU click here - 3) Download our Proposal click here

Student Innovator Program (SIP)


Student Innovator Program (SIP)


ATL Student Innovator Program (SIP)

The ATL Student Innovator Program (SIP) is a transformative initiative by the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) aimed at nurturing student innovators into budding entrepreneurs. This program builds upon the foundation laid by the Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) Marathon, where students are encouraged to explore, tinker, innovate, and transition towards enterprise-level thinking.


  • Encourage long-term learning goals and foster a culture of inquisitiveness and innovation.
  • Equip students to identify real-world community problems and develop solutions in the form of working prototypes.
  • Support students in creating complete product packages, including business models, product pitches, and presentations.
  • Provide hands-on exposure to testing their innovations in practical, on-ground scenarios.

SIP Journey:

The journey from Student Explorer to Student Entrepreneur involves the following milestones:

  1. ATL Marathon:

    • A national-level innovation challenge where students submit innovative solutions to community problems.
    • AIM invites online applications for the Marathon. After rigorous evaluations, the top 200 and subsequently the top 100 innovations are shortlisted.
    • India’s top innovators are then identified and announced.
  2. ATL SIP Program:

    • Top innovations from the Marathon are awarded the ATL Student Innovator Program (SIP) in collaboration with Atal Incubation Centres (AICs).
    • The program is designed to help students refine their prototypes and transition them into market-ready products.

ATL SIP Bootcamp:

The ATL SIP Bootcamp is a crucial 5-day onsite event hosted by the AIC-SKU. It provides student innovators with resources, guidance, and technical expertise to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Key Features:
  • Access to state-of-the-art prototyping and machinery support at the AIC-SKU facility.
  • Hands-on training and mentorship from experts to refine innovative ideas into functional prototypes.
  • A focused approach to enhancing innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking among students.

By engaging in the SIP, students progress from being innovators to entrepreneurs, empowered to tackle real-world challenges and make a meaningful impact on society. This program exemplifies AIM's vision to cultivate a vibrant innovation ecosystem in the country.

AIC SKU Participation

ATL Marathon Participants:

  • The program is open to student teams who have participated in the ATL Marathon, a national-level innovation challenge.
  • Focus Areas:

    • Students working on innovative solutions aligned with the thematic focus areas of the ATL Marathon are encouraged to apply.
    • These areas typically include pressing community and societal problems, emphasizing creativity, impact, and feasibility.
  • Student Teams:

    • Participation is team-based, with teams comprising students from schools with active ATL programs.
    • Collaborative efforts in ideation, prototyping, and solution development are key aspects of the evaluation process.
  • Student Innovator Program (SIP 2.0)


    Virtual Student Innovator Program (SIP 3.0)


    Student Innovator Program (SIP) 4.0


    Student Innovator Program (SIP 5.0)


    Student Innovator Program (SIP 6.0)


    SIP 7.0


    Student Innovator Program (SIP 7.0)



    • AIC-SKU is supporting AIM since 2018.
    • Every year, AIC-SKU at least 1 to 2 trained student teams were featured as Top Indigenous Innovations in the Coffee Table Book Published by AIM.

    Our Progress till Date

    30 +

    Ideas Curated

    9 +

    listed in Top 50/100 indegenious Innovations by AIM

    30 +

    School Participated

    1000 +

    Students Trained

